welcome to Lonelotsarna!
We provide support in matters related to wage formation, job evaluation, and pay equity reviews.
We also provide Lonelots - a user-friendly and cost free tool for job evaluation and pay survey.
Once a month we have an open demo of the Lonelots tool in Swedish. If you are not a Swedish speaker, contact us for a demo in English.
Want to know more about how we can support you, attend a demo or have other questions?
Contact us today through the contact form at the bottom of the page or at info@lonelotsarna.se!
our services
The Lonelots tool is a weighted multi-factor and gender-neutral job evaluation tool that you can download free of charge. The system is based on the main areas of the Swedish Discrimination Act — knowledge and skills, responsibility, effort, and working conditions, factors that are globally recognized as essential for defining equivalent work. The system is a basic model with factors, aspects, and levels designed so that each user can adapt the method to their operations.
The tool consists of two parts: A job evaluation system to assess which work is equivalent and a pay audit tool that provides the tables and charts needed to map and analyse wages in equal and equivalent work.
Download the installation file, Version 7.0 is now available.
For PC: Lönelots version 7.0 for PC (download here)
Double-click the downloaded file to install Lonelots.
Follow the instructions when the installation program starts.
If you receive the message: "Windows has protected your computer", click "More information" and then "Run anyway”.
Lonelots will be installed, and an icon will be created on your desktop.
For technical support, contact us through the contact form at the bottom of the page or by email: info@lonelotsarna.se.
Consultancy support
The Lonelots consultants can support you with parts of or with the full pay survey process, from start to end. Based on your needs we will offer a support model that is qualitative and efficient.
Do you need to skill up in the area of salary reviews? We deliver open trainings in Swedish (read more here) as well as customised trainings based on your needs (also available in English).
Salary setting - process and structure
A fundamental prerequisite to ensure equal and non-discriminatory salaries is a good structure and knowledge about how and on what grounds for salary setting. Lönelotsarna can help you develop salary policy and guidelines, an annual cycle for the salary process, individual salary setting criteria and documentation templates for employee- and salary conversations.
Would you like to know more about how we can support you? Contact us today through the contact form below or at info@lonelotsarna.se
Job evaluation
To manage your job evaluation in the Lonelots tool, after downloading the program, follow the seven steps described in the Job evaluation guideline.
Pay review
After you have carried out the job evaluation, you are ready for the pay review.
The tool includes the features required to conduct a pay survey in accordance with the Swedish Discrimination Act. It is a tool for comparing and analysing salaries in equal and equivalent jobs and highlighting structural pay disparities.
By following the seven steps described in our Pay Survey Guideline (lägg in filen Pay Survey Guideline 2025, efter att du kollat genom den och gjort pdf).), you can conduct a pay survey and analyse the results.
If you have questions or need support contact us in the contact form at the bottom of this page or by emailaing info@lonelotsarna.se
Structural wage differences refer to wage disparities between groups of women and men that cannot be explained by differences in job requirements, the complexity of the work, or the employees' performance and skills. Instead, these pay gaps may stem from value discrimination, meaning that certain occupations and tasks are considered less valuable or important, often those traditionally performed unpaid by women.
We publish annual reports on the structural wage gap in Sweden. We do so by comparing occupations across sectors and assessing them using the Lonelots job evaluation tool.
Download our report “Highly valued-low pay” here.
The Lonelots team is a group of consultants with extensive experience, specialised in wage formation, salary review and equal pay.
We are also a non-profit organisation working for equal pay by developing methods, raising awareness and driving the public debate on equal pay. We have developed the Lonelots tool for job evaluation and provide it free of charge. We also publish annual reports on the structural pay gap.
Read more about us in the newsletter Les Glorieuses, ‘‘Meet the Equal Pay Super Geeks who proved that midwives deserve the same pay as engineers’’, published Oct 20 2024, in English here and French here.